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Company Templates

Company templates made easy

Reassures Learning & Development teams that SME-generated content will
deliver impact by utilizing pre-approved company templates.

Explore company templates in this video walkthrough

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Accelerate content production

Elevate course creation with templates for your team built by you.

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Improve content quality

Open up production without risk and keep control over quality.

Money bag with dollar sign

Reduce external spend

Harness the power of your people and produce more, in-house.

Utilize company templates

Empower authors to create elearning content by providing dedicated, ready-to-go, company-approved templates to get started.

Guided authoring start page in Elucidat
Guided authoring project structure

Ensure course quality

Make “off-brand” courses a thing of the past by ensuring all projects created from your template automatically use the right branding.

Reduce risk with user permissions

Get ease of mind by utilizing user permissions to ensure your authors always use company-approved templates.

Guided authoring advanced user roles


Get answers to the important questions about Company Templates.

It’s for L&D teams who want to enable stakeholders from across the business to produce their own learning in a controlled way and ensure everything remains on brand.

Creating your company-approved templates enables employees to share expertise and knowledge so others can benefit while ensuring that all learning adheres to pre-agreed guidelines and styles.

No. Creating your company templates comes standard with all of our plans. Just log in and enjoy the benefits from the get-go.

Want to explore Company Templates?