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United Kingdom | Nonprofit

National Trust is a charitable organization dedicated to preserving the nation’s heritage and open spaces for the public to enjoy. With over 85,000 learners organization-wide, find out how National Trust saved £15,000 and increased learner satisfaction by 50% with the help of Elucidat, and ready-made templates.

Paul Bird

“We have more learners accessing learning than ever before, with greater levels of completion… and we’re producing more content while spending less money, which is kind of the holy grail.”

Paul Bird Learning Technologies Manager at National Trust

Formby Point national trust woodland walks through the forest and along the beach
% increase in training efficiency
% increase in trainee satisfaction
% increase in Training Completion

The challenge

National Trust’s legacy software was slow to update and inflexible to use, creating a growing amount of manual work for Paul Bird, the organization’s Learning Technologies Manager.


“Our elearning expectations were growing, but evaluations showed that our courses weren’t performing like they once were. The level of polish in the presentation just wasn’t there.”


As a result, the nonprofit was increasingly forced to spend additional budget on expensive external elearning agencies to keep up.


Worse, trainee engagement was dwindling and completion rates were beginning to suffer.

The solution

Paul was impressed by Elucidat’s constantly growing set of useful features and frequent updates that would help him evolve their training over time as their need continued to grow.


“The lovely thing about Elucidat, the big plus, is that it continually evolves. It is the opposite of our old software, which was very slow to improve. In a little over a year, they’ve introduced six or seven new features that we are actually using and that have made a real difference.”


Paul also recognized that the platform’s modern, user-friendly templates would save hours of manual work while improving the presentation of their material.


“Someone emailed us to say this course is actually ‘sexy’. I couldn’t believe they were describing content on elearning in that way! Clearly this tool is a level above.”

The results

Since implementing Elucidat, National Trust has seen a 45% increase in training efficiency, adding up to a near-immediate savings in excess of £15,000.


“We are in development of our ninth course with Elucidat now. We’ve seen a 45% improvement in development efficiency since introducing the platform.”


Better still staff are more engaged, as evidenced by a 50% increase in the number of staff rating training as “Excellent” and a substantial 131% increase in training completion rates.


“Increasing completion levels is a huge deal for us, because not only are we able to operate more safely and reduce business risk, it also means we know that all that investment we’re making in professional development is worthwhile.”


What’s more, Elucidat’s platform has empowered National Trust to implement a distributed authoring model, something that was impossible with previous tools. That’s led to a 50% increase in development capability, giving National Trust the ability to create more content at a lower cost.


“We can complete compliance training quicker than ever before, and we now have more time to focus on the development of interest-focused courses. In the next year and a quarter our offerings will probably double, and that’s because people are realizing the benefit of using this platform and want to get in on creating and sharing training content.”