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Showcases in Giftable

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Simple branching scenario

Scenarios Giftable

A simple, impactful way to build branching into your design. After making a decision in a scenario question, learners see the consequences of their right or wrong choice. They are then put back on the right path to continue the story and make their next decision.

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Scenario-based policy training

Scenarios Giftable

A non-linear design that brings a Code of Conduct policy to life through bitesize scenario challenges. Learners are rewarded with badges for successful decision-making - can they gain enough to reach champion level?

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Step-by-step compliance process

Microlearning Giftable

This short module breaks the steps of a risk assessment process down into easy to digest pages, followed by a case study to demonstrate the process in action. It also shows how you can use a mythbuster question to create engagement.

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Scrolling ‘how to’ page

Microlearning Giftable

A single scrolling page that focuses on one core skill; in this case, how to wash your hands. Clear, visual sections create a modern, memorable experience and interactions make the core information stand out.

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Compliance test with question pools

Quiz Giftable

A robust compliance assessment using the range of quiz questions offered by Elucidat. Questions pools mean that when a learner retakes the test, they're unlikely to see the same questions again.

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Elearning best practice 101


An interactive guide on how to create transformational elearning. It uses expert quotes, practical tips and call to actions to help you think like a people-centered designer. The checklist will enable you to track progress as you apply these principles to your own elearning.

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Time-saving tailored retail training

Game features Giftable

See how to cater for a range of learner needs (and save time!) by offering different paths through the content. Great for businesses with high staff turnover, seasonal staffing, and busy learners.

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Elearning project toolkit

Personalization Giftable

Answer two questions about your elearning challenges and get some free tips and guides specific to you. This short diagnostic is a great example of personalized learning and curation, as well as a useful resource for you! This example uses rules, branching and layout designer.

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Scenario based learning at scale

Scenarios Giftable

See how small-scale tweaks can make big impact when you're personalizing for staff in different environments. This first-person, investigative scenario demonstrates one way of tackling nuanced topics like discrimination in the workplace. Check out the Designer's Cut video to find out more.

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Adaptive compliance pretest

Quiz Giftable

A personalized ‘test-out’ approach to annual compliance training. This example uses a quiz to assess gaps and serves up relevant, short learning topics where needed. Those who pass need not continue. Check out the Designer's Cut video to find out more.

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Just in time performance support

Microlearning Giftable

A simple, five-minute refresher to be used by sales people on the job. Quick, out-of-the-box interactions that are easy to complete on a mobile make it an optimal just-in-time resource.

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Multi-language scrolling page

Translation Giftable

An interactive one-page resource for new starters that proves digital learning can be short, simple and still valuable. Choose your preferred language at the start to see Elucidat's multi-language feature in action.

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Role-specific process training

Personalization Giftable

This process training uses an upfront role-selector to tailor the content that appears for each learner, showing them what they need to know in their specific role. This decreases learning time and increases engagement as learners don’t waste time on content they don’t need.

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Gamified scenario

Scenarios Giftable

An audio-driven, first-person scenario that helps sales staff learn by practicing in a simulated environment. A great example of how 'grown-up games' can be effective learning tools. Includes use of audio players, branching, points and timers.

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Interactive storytelling

Scenarios Giftable

This example shows the power of storytelling for learning. This subtly interactive, longer-form story uses music clips and imagery to help immerse users, and spark their imagination. (Check out the Designer's Cut video for insight into the design thinking behind this example.)

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Product knowledge training

Scrolling pages Giftable

A training module for a new product range that incorporates knowledge checks and customer scenarios to embed product knowledge.

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Behavior change with social learning

Scenarios Giftable

Is it really a big deal? This course asks learners to judge real situations and uses social polls to compare their views with others. An effective and memorable way of encouraging compliant behaviors using Likert questions, social polls and points.

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Responsive visual menu


This Health and Safety course shows how Elucidat can display images differently, depending on the screen size your learner is using. It also uses a clever (and responsive!) visual menu to explore different areas of the workplace.

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